Recent Profile Archive Shoutouts
Wednesday 22 July 2009, 08:56

My GP tutor wrote this on a piece of group work research.

A picture tells a thousand words!


Monday 20 July 2009, 06:38

With all the tutors prepping us for promos,

extra lessons 2-5 on friday, come on la.
i'm pissed off.
on top of that, I have to find me a new CCA.
one that will never interfere with my NPCC commitments^^

but actually no matter how hard to try to achieve in NPCC
a JC kid will never be able to beat a poly kid
like how an ugly girl will never beat a pretty one
sad life.
sometimes I feel demoralised but I just have to do what I can for the unit
and i really don't know how to teach my kids the word "initiative"

as for myself,
i feel that i don't really portray myself as a good CI

On the lighter note,
Squad gathering was fun
except for the little hooha at the end.
and our little ngik hiong lost at the games 5-6 times out of 8-9

I really miss those days but,
i would never have become a CI if those days weren't past
known fab friends(CIs, Officers, Meridians)
fab canoeing teammates (yes teaMJCanoeing)

Looking forward to sat!

Saturday 18 July 2009, 04:34
Fries Mountain (:

Harry Potter was epic! went to watch it on Jai's birthday haha, yea long time no see (:
and Abel was there too! after so long hahaha

anyways, the movie was epic, but it changed so much of the book it was kinda disappointing =/
haha i wont spoil the movie for those who havent watched it yet (: (trying to not be asshole ;)

and i had the best meal of my life on that day too! imagine a mountain of fries on a tray waiting to be eaten xD the feeling was damn shiok haha! Brandon has the photo of the Mt Fries :D

but for now... its 38.1 degrees celsius. =\ what a time to get sick. and it only happened after i started doing hw... and thats proves it. HOMEWORK MAKES ME SICK! :D

Don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out,
Or looked down on.
Just try your best,
Try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
When you're away.

You know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own,
So don't buy in.
Live right now.
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough
For someone else.

Hey, don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out,
Or looked down on.
Just do your best,
Do everything you can.
And don't you worry what their bitter hearts
Are gonna say.

Sunday 12 July 2009, 07:19
Change of mindset,

The WILL of GOD will never take you where the GRACE of GOD will not protect you.

So what am I afraid of?

Sunday 5 July 2009, 20:05
Free movie ticket!

hahahahaha went with my PW group to NEWater plant yesterday
was fun!
my third time there though!
the guide uncle martin was really helpful!
and hong liang has a new name-MICKEY!

then we went to east point for lunch and saw jun an!
so nice, he went out with his mum for lunch^^
whatever i think i should never order ban mian again because i finished my bowl only when everyone else finished and jai was already 3/4 way through his dessert

lol why complain about cholesterol in an egg yolk when you order dessert! Wellness 3 more years Jai!

have to finish my exam papers by today! how sadz!

Mc Mong- Circus

but roddick was really really really good.
he got a new fan in me! :D


Friday 3 July 2009, 23:42

One of my all time favourite group

I'm seriously not getting jc
life's miserable everyday

The only thing that keeps me happy is NPCC
my CI dudes and dudettes

but wan ling has to study because yaw jin sir said that she can go for CIBTC D09 if only she passes her promos and if I'm selected hahahaha
that i work for

and SYF 2010 and NPAP2010!
how can i afford to retain^^

I wanna go back to my secondary school days
where life was just school and NPCC
totally fun!
still remember the times when Eng kiat sir really tortured us
like once after a squad photo
Sir: eh.. who is this girl? (points at ray seen in the photo)
Us: Erm, ray seen?
Sir: Ok Ray seen right? Come out. Then give me 5 reasons why your expression in every picture is different, if not the whole squad knock it down
RS: ...
then also the time when we had water parade and he made prissy come out
Sir:Eh drink the water but dont swallow it! Ok prissy come out then (said something funny)
AND she Spit all the water on him
hahahahaha the squad couldn't take it and water went flying everywhere
lucky i was at the back and i had swallowed the water^^

and the time when we had to wear our full u even though nobody taught us what to do with with
hahahahaha beret like pau!

gay shit. i miss those times. even atc when argh.. sharul sir took us
cause he was so booorrriiinnngggg
Sec3 one was fun! But i pitched 3 tents by myself in that 1hour and nearly died cause my hand was swollen from pegging 14x3 pegs
hahahaha anglican high is the school of hard knocks!
that's how NPCC should be! Garang, proud and confident!

now, there are times when i really want to scold my cadets
but from the 2 weeks after CIBTC where LJ and I really spent the whole training scolding people. Whacking doesn't work!
Tact is important but sometimes things never get into their heads

I really got to study now that I'm happy again^^

P.s: ebay rocks

BIGBANG ft 2ne1- Lollipop
Willy wonka 2!!!
the girls look seriously weird. like trannies =X
2hrs later.. i still think the girls look weird.

Thursday 2 July 2009, 03:33
Never Say Never

And my midyears are over :/
haha no particular happiness over being done with this exam because i didnt work for it anyway :/
and also because i know i'm gonna fail it :/
but still, its nice to know that there's no more exams for another 2months(estimation)?
can slack :D